How Much Does Managed IT Services Cost?

The following general rates will apply to all applicable services during business hours, which are between 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. MST, Monday through Friday excluding Holidays unless otherwise agreed upon in individual addendum:

Hourly Rates

  • $140 for technician/engineer level support
  • $140 for all project management
  • $250 for all training
  • $450 for CTO, CISO, CSO, CCO services
  • $125 per new VoIP phone setup
  • $25 per hard drive destruction
  • $375 per computer for all new computer setups
  • $495 for Incident Response

Note: After hours will be billed at a time and a half the normal billable rate.
Note: Holidays will be billed at double time the normal billable rate.
Note: All onsite work is billed at a minimum of one (1) hours and then fifteen (15) minute increments after that, if not under a Managed Services contract that includes onsite support.

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